HomeEconomyYour Data in the Hands of Stark Link Belize LLC

Your Data in the Hands of Stark Link Belize LLC

Stacey Grinage

Your Data in the Hands of Stark Link Belize LLC

The PUC in its decision says it is unable to ascertain the affordability of Starlink’s equipment. As a result, it cannot say if Starlink Belize will be able to provide equitable access to those in economically disadvantaged areas. And then there is the concern of a citizen’s privacy and data sovereignty. Starlink will be able to operate and control a portion of Belize’s communications infrastructure while being a foreign entity. They are not mandated to locally store and process the data they collect.


Stacey Grinage, Legal Counsel, PUC

“As it currently stands, the law as it stands, there are certain legal obligations placed on persons who become holders of your personal information. We are not licensing Starlink. We have not granted them a license. So, some of the obligations that are mandated under the Data Protection Act would not necessarily apply to them. So, my response to that would be that the law in that area is still developing. The fact we have not issued them a license means there is not that legal obligation to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act also.”


Paul Lopez

“As that to see that they are free to use this data as they wish?”


Stacey Grinage

“Not necessarily. The thing is I would not know. We also had this issue at the PUC. I would not know the specific terms and conditions between Starlink and a customer when it comes to a customer signing up and allowing themselves to purchase a terminal. I think it is something governed by contract between the two people. When we issue a license, we certainly place obligations, data protection obligations, on our license.”

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