HomeCrimeWill the GOB Declare an SOE in Belize City?

Will the GOB Declare an SOE in Belize City?

Chester Williams

Will the GOB Declare an SOE in Belize City?

As gang activity rises, police are stepping up mediation efforts in key areas of Belize City. Over the weekend, dozens of men were detained after several shootings in the Faber’s Road extension area. This has led to speculation about whether the Belize Police Department will declare another State of Emergency to detain known gang members. However, Commissioner of Police Chester Williams stated that with the general election on Wednesday, there are no plans to implement an SOE.


Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“Elections will be held tomorrow.  So, I would want to think that we would have to wait until after elections and ministers are assigned to whatever portfolio and then we still go from there.”



“I don’t know your knowledge of the constitution. I assume you have omniscience in that as in all other matters. However, the country continues to be run by the cabinet. The prime minister is still the prime minister. Kareem Musa is still the minister of home affairs.  Is the reason they are not calling an SOE, it is not because they lack executive authority, it’s because they lack the political will to do so before an election.”


Chester Williams

“I wouldn’t think so because the public would be extremely happy if they were to call an SOE. So I don’t think it’s that, no.”



“Have you advised for an SOE to be called?”


Chester Williams




“Do you think we’ve passed the threshold for when one should be called?”


Chester Williams

“We’ll speak about that after the election.”


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