HomeBelize DistrictWho Killed Alfredo Rodriguez at Port?

Who Killed Alfredo Rodriguez at Port?

Who Killed Alfredo Rodriguez at Port?

Investigators are stumped and unable to make an arrest in the murder of Alfredo Enrique Rodriguez David.  On Thursday evening, sometime around five p.m., police were called to an area near the Port of Belize where they discovered the body of the construction worker with a gunshot injury.  The forty-two-year-old was fishing at the waterfront when he came under deadly gunfire by an unknown assailant.  According to ComPol Williams, they have been unable to make any progress in the case.


Chester Williams

                                Chester Williams

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“At this time, no.  We don’t have any tangible leads in respect to that matter.  I know the police are busy in the area trying to gather as much as they can, but so far they have not been able to unearth anything that could lead them in a particular direction.”



“By all accounts, he seemed to have been a law abiding citizen. Do police believe that this may just have been a senseless killing.”


Chester Williams

“Perhaps, and from all indication it would seem as if he was in the area fishing when he was targeted.  So we are hoping that we will be able to get something that can give us some leads in respect of that matter.”

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