Where is Missing Fisherman Albert Robinson?
The family of thirty-year-old Albert Robinson, who has been reported missing from Tobacco Caye since March twenty-fifth, is desperately trying to locate the Belize City fisherman. Robinson left home that Monday en route to the island off the coast of Dangriga. When his uncle passed away a few days later, his mother attempted to reach him, but was unsuccessful. It wasn’t until the young man’s father contacted Therese Robinson and told her to go looking for her son, that she figured something was awfully wrong. Earlier today, we spoke with the distraught mother.

Therese Robinson
Therese Robinson, Mother of Missing Person
“The last time I saw my son, he came to me and said that he was going to Tobacco Caye to work was the twenty-fifth of March. Since then, I noh hear anything from my son because ih neva had a phone and when my bredda died on the sixth of April, I tried to get in contact with one of the guys dehn weh he is on the island with and he said that, “I don’t go on the island anymore.” And after that, Sunday here, his dad called and said if I could go in search of my son, knowing that my son is not in Belize. So then I feared for the worst and started to think all kind of thing running through my mind that dehn mussi kill my little boy, you know. And I don’t know what to say and I am asking the people out there at Dangriga, Tobacco Caye, anywhere where they are, if they could please reach out to me and say anything, if they know anything about him, all I want to do is just find him and bring him home even if he is dead or alive.”
Isani Cayetano
“Why would you fear the worst for your son? I know you mentioned that he went to sea or set out to sea on the twenty-fifth of March, but why would you think [that] something would have happened to him?”
Therese Robinson
“Because he’s gone long. He never goes for a month. He always takes seven days to two weeks and comes back in and I haven’t heard nothing, nothing from him. I think I dead because he just seh go in search of my son. Fu weh reason I must go in search of my son now when I know he’s always on this island with these guys.”
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