Where is Joseph Camp, Wanted for Cyber Bullying?
One of the persons accused of cyber-bullying lately is Joseph Camp, a man who has come out slamming the commissioner’s son. Today, Commissioner Williams said that Camp, who is currently away, could face several charges if he puts his foot back in Belize.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“The police currently have about four arrest warrants for Joseph Camp, not just for complaints by me. There was also a complaint made by my son. He posted a number of things about my son, which are not true. As a matter of fact, my son doesn’t even live in Belize. My son lives in Taiwan where he’s studying. And so for him to have said the things that he said about my son is totally outrageous. And there is also a complaint against him from other members of the public. So, I believe that he is emboldened to make these comments because he’s not in Belize. And so he uses the place where he is to make those comments from there. I had also reported him to the U. S. Embassy. And, I’m hoping that they will see what they can do to be able to help to address the issue where he’s concerned. He cannot come to Belize and feel like he’s in Belize. He can’t do what he want to Belizeans and get away with it because his constant criy is that he’s an American citizen, as if to say that because he’s an American citizen, he’s above us Belizeans, which is not the case. I believe that Belizeans and Americans and any other national are important people and we will not allow ourselves to be subject to a person diminishing our nationality. That cannot happen.”
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