What’s Next for Cyril Uruwei’s Political Future?
So what becomes of Cyril Garcia’s political future? It’s a question that we asked him in light of the unfavorable news he received last Friday. Aside from launching a signature petition, Garcia says that it’s far from over for him.

Cyril Garcia
Cyril Garcia, Political Aspirant, P.U.P.
“This is certainly not the end for my ambitions. Currently I have about over four hundred registered voters who have signed a petition, I’m talking going around, me and my team getting registered voters to sign a petition and we’re going to get as many as possible and I want to know if the leaders of the People’s United Party will seriously ignore the voices of the Dangriga people. I think what Dangriga really and truly needs is an area representative who will engage with the people and find out exactly what Dangriga truly needs. And when it comes to the powers that be, I think they should really carefully reconsider what they are doing. General elections are near and Dangriga will speak. Personally for me, I was raised in a home where it was all about service, serving others, putting others above self and that’s how I was raised. So living in Dangriga and seeing what has been happening over the couple of years, how our people are treated and ignored, this is one of the main reasons I was moved to do what I am doing. So I wanna ask the people of Dangriga to really look at the two individuals.”
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