HomeBreaking NewsWhat is 6G and Why is China Leading the Way?

What is 6G and Why is China Leading the Way?

What is 6G and Why is China Leading the Way?

What is 6G and Why is China Leading the Way?

6G, the next generation of wireless technology, promises to revolutionise communications by merging the physical and digital worlds in ways once seen only in science fiction. Think of some of your favourite movies featuring holographic technology, self-driving cars, or advanced healthcare and transportation systems – all things that seem far beyond our current reality. That’s the vision of 6G. It aims to enhance everything from AI-powered systems and telemedicine to holographic communication, bringing these futuristic concepts closer to everyday life.

However, while the technology holds vast potential, there is significant divergence in how countries are approaching its development. China is not one of those countries.

China is already ahead in the 6G race. The country has set up important rules for 6G and made three key technological standards under the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2024. The country’s 2025 development goals include fostering industries like 6G.

A report in the Chinese journal Scientia Sinica Informationis pointed out that European and American operators are hesitant about advancing 6G, largely due to the slower deployment of 5G in these regions. “European and American operators are not willing to develop 6G due to the relatively lagging 5G deployment,” the report stated. Meanwhile, countries like Japan, South Korea, and China are more optimistic about their future.

How 6G Will Differ from 5G?

The evolution of wireless technology goes back to the time when 2G and 3G helped expand communication through voice and text. When 5G rolled out, it offered improved speeds and connectivity and made things like artificial intelligence (AI) possible. Now, 6G will go further, enabling the ‘fusion’ of human and digital interactions in unprecedented ways. It promises to offer even greater reliability, speed, and lower latency.

6G is expected to boost sectors such as telemedicine, smart cities, and intelligent transport systems. According to experts, 6G will also support technologies like holographic communications and digital twins, which are virtual models of physical objects, systems, or even humans, for real-time applications.

How is 6G Being Developed?

The development of 6G is a global effort, but it requires international agreement on the operational standards that will allow for its widespread implementation. The United Nations’ International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is leading efforts to establish these standards and is aiming to have them in place by 2030. The ITU works alongside other global bodies, such as the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), which brings together standards organisations from across the world, including China, the US, South Korea, and Europe.

Countries like China, Japan, and South Korea are moving quickly. China’s rapid progress could give it an advantage in shaping the future of 6G.

While national research and development efforts are underway, the true test for 6G will come with the alignment of these efforts to create a globally compatible system. Ericsson, a major telecoms company, has projected that pre-commercial trials of 6G could begin as early as 2028, with proof-of-concept demonstrations expected even sooner.

Putting it simply, China is ahead in the race to define 6G, which is leaving the rest of the world to catch up.

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