“We want to be the Cabinet.” – Shyne Barrow, Amid U.D.P. Infighting
Frequent bickering within the opposition shifts the focus away from national issues that affect many Belizeans. The role of a rival political party is to create checks and balances where government policies and decision-making are concerned. The infighting that has torn apart the U.D.P., despite its minority numbers in the House of Representatives, leaves a lot to be desired. The failed National Party Council on Saturday does not bode well for the opposition and Party Leader Shyne Barrow is aware of it, in spite of his role in the ongoing friction.

Shyne Barrow
Shyne Barrow, Party Leader, U.D.P.
“I think the Belizean public has grown tired of the sad state of affairs that we see playing out and I’m not going to participate in it. We want to be the Cabinet. If we want to be the Cabinet, now is the time to demonstrate to the Belizean public what we want to be and so, I will do my part not to engage in the mudslinging, not to engage in the defamation of character, not to engage in any narrative or campaigning against any colleagues. I need to find a way to win sixteen seats and that includes even people who don’t support me. If they are in a constituency that can win, as leader I will do my best to help them to win. But that is what the focus needs to be, working in the division and…”
“So then, are you prepared to sit with Tracy Taegar Panton, Patrick Faber, John Saldivar and Beverly Williams?”
Shyne Barrow
“I am prepared to do whatever is in the best interest of the party. I have always kept my door open.”
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