Was Petition for National Convention Stillborn?
On Saturday, Albert Area Representative Tracy Panton, the face of the I Am with Her campaign, told reporters that the signatures garnered from as many as two hundred and thirty-two delegates would be used as part of a petition to request a national convention. When asked about the flippant attitude of the party chairman towards the group of four, Panton said that neither the chairman nor the party leader controls the voices of the U.D.P. supporters.

Tracy Panton
Tracy Panton, Area Representative, Albert
“We are certainly going to table this petition formally on Monday for a national convention.”
“You’ll table it with the chairman, one presumes.”
Tracy Panton
“With the chairman.”
“The chairman has shown that, by his behavior, he noh wahn hyah nothing from Tracy. He snaps back at all of you, and you all have tried, and you all tried to table something today and he rejected it and walked away. At the end of the day, Shyne Barrow and Michael Peyrefitte control the mechanism that are the U.D.P. formally. How will you get past that?”
Tracy Panton
“They do not control the voices of the delegates. They do not own this party. They have completely disregarded and violated the constitution of this party and they will not stop the N.P.C. from doing what it ought to do.”
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