Villagers in Waist-deep Water in More Tomorrow
We’ve already shared how the villagers in Roaring Creek are coping with the floodwaters from Tropical Storm Sara. Meanwhile, residents on the other side of the creek in More Tomorrow Village are doing slightly better. Over the weekend, they were wading through waist-deep water, but it has since receded. However, one villager mentioned that they expect the water levels to rise again in the coming days.

Terrence Sutherland
Terrence Sutherland, More Tomorrow Resident
“The rain that come the last couple of days mein. It really flood out this area from here gaan right down tha lone water you see and I went to the village this morning and mein it was so rough and I know the people down there tek a liking because of the rain, it was a lot of rain. Down that side it was pretty rough. Like I tell you in some of the house people still have water and some have more water like what I tell you the river is still coming down, so the river nuh reach yet down here.”
Britney Gordon
“How high would you say the water is”
Terrence Sutherland
“Well I would figure about 3 or 4 feet in those people house, and it will get more higher because like I tell you the water still the come down.”
Britney Gordon
“And you said it wasn’t too bad on your farm over here, but like what did you see?”
Terrence Sutherland
“Well when I come out from out of my house. I come out like two and a half feet out in my yard with water.”
Britney Gordon
“And you said you recently to more of the entrance, what was it like when you were living back there?”
Terrence Sutherland
“It was pretty rougher, just like what I tell you. The water reach way in the house. Like when I mih deh deh like a couple of five inches inside the house.”
Britney Gordon
“Would you say that it has gotten worse over the years? Or has it been better? Is there anything to alleviate it?”
Terrence Sutherland
“Well I think with this flood weh the come right now it’s just like a hurricane flood. To me it get the same way or worse. It could be a little worse”
Britney Gordon
“How do you see the villagers coping with it.”
Terrence Sutherland
“Well. Like I tell you I mih live back there already more in the village before I move to my farm and we just have to cope with it. Like an animal on a little hill you know but all ah we just have to stay together.”
Britney Gordon
“So they just go through the water and go where they have to go?”
Terrence Sutherland
“Yeah, they have to come out and do a little shopping, and go back inside and just try to make life back again, but yesterday the little group mih come back here and pass and I think they gave them a little food. The food they gave them is not for no long while but for probably a couple days, about two three days and they wah need food again.”
Britney Gordon
“So how long do you think it will be until this water goes down, you said more is to come but how long does that usually last?”
Terrence Sutherland
“When that water left from San Ignacio, it take like two days and a half to reach down here and down here it will last another two and a half to three days down right in the village.”
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