Ubaldo Guzman’s Killer Charged for Manslaughter
On Thursday, sixty-one-year-old Ubaldo Guzman died after being viciously chopped with a machete by a drinking companion. The incident occurred in Guzman’s home in Santa Elena Town, while he was drinking with Peter August. Reports are that the two engaged in an altercation during which Guzman allegedly attacked August with a machete. August claims that he only retaliated in self-defense, resulting in Guzman’s death. On September fourteenth, police formally arrested and charged August with manslaughter. On Friday, we spoke with Guzman’s niece, Shamira Badillo, who told us that she never knew her uncle to be aggressive in nature.
Britney Gordon
“Do you know him to be sort of an aggressive person? Or when he drinks, is he known to do anything like this?”

Shamira Badillo
Shamira Badillo, Niece of Deceased
“Well so far we not know him. I know sometimes, yes he used to tek his drinks but in an aggressive way? I never know about that.”
Britney Gordon
“So what are the next steps for the family as you guys grieve together? What are you hoping to come of this situation now?”
Shamira Badillo
“Well not sur. Right now we just waiting because his son just told me this morning that he always used to say the day he die he wants to be buried at San Fransisco Ranch. There my grandmother and grandfather is there too. So he she he will call cuz they are relative to us too. So he will call and ask permission.”
Britney Gordon
“As you guys process this together do you feel that you can depend and lean on each other to get through this difficult time.”
Shamira Badillo
“Yes it’s a united family. So I think all will go okay. He is resting but in a hard way.”
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