U.D.P. Supports Tracy Taegar-Panton as Its Leader
Tracy Taegar-Panton has officially received the backing of the United Democratic Party to become its new leader. Party members gathered at the Biltmore today to chart the way forward for the U.D.P., following the resignation of former leader Moses ‘Shyne’ Barrow. In his resignation letter, Barrow mentioned that he would be passing the reins to Deputy Party Leader Hugo Patt. Patt was present at today’s meeting, which was led by Tracy Taegar-Panton. Everyone in attendance agreed that Panton should step up as the party leader. Panton announced that a leadership convention will be held soon, but she expects it to be more of an endorsement for her leadership, as she doesn’t anticipate any challengers.

Tracy Taegar-Panton
Tracy Taegar-Panton, Party Leader, United Democratic Party
“We have all agreed that it is time to move the party forward. We are now preparing to become the government in 2030. We are united in this effort. We are untied in the cause for the UDP but most importantly on behalf of the people of Belize. This meeting was to discuss the way forward for a united UDP and we have been able to achieve that in fine fashion. I a most grateful to all my colleagues who made it here today. We had one apology who is fully onboard, the honorable Miguel Guerra. He had a funeral in his constituency that he could not avoid. He is fully on board and fully supports my leadership and the way forward for the UDP.”
“As it relates to a national convention, when will one be held?”
Tracy Taegar-Panton
“Well the plan is within two weeks we will have a formal national party council meeting. The group of 28 has agreed to that and the NPC will set the date for a national convention. We believe it is going to be an endorsement convention. We believe we are doing it as a matter of formality so the matter of the issue of the leadership of the party can be done in line with the party’s constitution. We came together today and we are leaving this room united. It is the mark of a good leader that is able to do this in such short amount of time. Healing does take time, but we are committed to the process. What we will not do in the future is air our laundry in the public domain. Family business will be family business.”
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