U.D.P. Calls For L.I.U. Audit; L.I.U. Chair Says “My Doors Are Open”
In July, the United Democratic Party called for an independent audit of the Leadership Intervention Unit, citing credible allegations of malfeasance, misappropriation, and misuse of public funds. According to the opposition, checks are allegedly being issued to individuals who have left the country and are seeking asylum in the U.S., as well as to those incarcerated for gang-related activities. They also claim that the L.I.U. is being used to funnel public funds to political operatives. Today, reporters asked L.I.U. Chairperson Dominique Noralez to respond to these allegations. Here’s what she had to say.

Dominque Noralez
Dominque Noralez, Chairperson, L.I.U.
“First, I think it’s important to establish that I am not a politician and so I don’t respond to partisan propaganda. Secondly, always open to an audit, it is the government’s funds, and if it is something that the leader of opposition can galvanize support to request an audit, then by all means, my doors are open, my processes are transparent, and even more efficient now given our transition to Digi Wallet. In fact, all of my employees have been paid since eight fifteen this morning, as opposed to six o’clock in the evening when they get a check. So, I’m always open to an audit. I have no problem with that.”
“One of the things that the leader of opposition had said was that there are people who are not even living in Belize. I don’t know where he got that information from, as well as people who may have been dead, who would have still been under the L.I.U. program.”
Dominique Noralez
“Well, in order to be on the leadership intervention unit program and receive any assistance from us, you have to bring in a social security card, which means those people have to be alive. And so, getting this thing about people being dead and getting paid, that is not the kind of ship I run. My list has been renewed about two or three weeks ago, which is why the transition to Digi Wallet is easier now. So, everybody has to have to hand in a social security. That is a part of the accountability mechanisms from the central bank to use these e-wallets. And so there, there is really, there are no complaints to be made. Everyone is alive and everyone is receiving their funds from the L.I.U.”
“But before you came on board, what did you find?”
Dominique Noralez
“There were some issues with structure. That has been the first year of my tenure really. Fixing the structural issues and making sure my team is up to par with making sure that we can deliver the services that the cabinet paper that brought the L.I.U. to life in visage. So before there were some structural issues, we’ve since fixed those and we move to the future with renewed vigor.”
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