Two Versions of Guardian; More Confusion
This week, two different digital versions of the Guardian Newspaper made the rounds. One was edited by Alfonso Noble, who has been at the helm of the publication for the past sixteen years, working out of the office at Youth for the Future Drive. Noble is now under the leadership of Albert Area Representative Tracy Taegar-Panton, who took over the headquarters last week. That version clearly lists Noble as the editor. The other copy focuses mainly on the efforts of Mesopotamia Area Representative Moses “Shyne” Barrow, who is currently in a legal tussle with Panton over control of the headquarters and the party’s radio station and newspaper. It has no named editor. News Five’s Marion Ali reports on the confusion these two versions are causing among U.D.P. supporters.
Marion Ali, Reporting
U.D.P. supporters and the general public were likely scratching their heads this week when they received not one, but two different digital versions of the Guardian Newspaper. Last week, the only edition of the Guardian was a digital one, released after Albert Area Representative Tracy Taegar-Panton took over the U.D.P. Headquarters and assumed control of Wave Radio and the Guardian Newspaper. Circulated last Thursday, it featured the headline “New Leadership, New Direction for the U.D.P.” prominently on the front page, showcasing Panton, her Deputy Leader Beverly Williams, and Attorney Sheena Pitts as part of the new U.D.P. Executive.
On the lower right-hand side of page two, you’ll see Alfonso Noble listed as the Editor. Noble has been at the helm of the Guardian since 2008 and continues to oversee the edition produced from the party headquarters. This week, things took an interesting turn with two different digital versions of the Guardian Newspaper making the rounds. Both versions sported the same front-page font and logo, but with different headlines. The version on the left, titled “Investing in the Future,” prominently features Mesopotamia Area Representative Moses “Shyne” Barrow throughout the publication. This version lacks a staff box and doesn’t name an editor.
On the other hand, the version on the right, headlined “U.D.P. Names Central Executive,” was produced at the Youth for the Future headquarters with Alfonso Noble listed as the editor. When we asked Noble about these dual versions, he dismissed the one he didn’t edit, calling it child’s play and suggesting it would only add to the confusion among U.D.P. supporters.

Alfonso Noble
Alfonso Noble, Editor, Guardian Newspaper
“I thought it was a school project. You know, children are given these assignments to do various things, sometimes in the media and what have you, and create a newspaper and that kind of thing. And I was flattered, actually, that a child, um, would actually, um, come up with such an idea. way of, um, of, of, of doing a school project and absolutely no concern whatsoever. The Guardian newspaper is a Guardian newspaper. When you open it in the, um, the, the, the first, the first page after the headline, you have the, who publishes it and the name of the editor and what have you. So it is clear who the Guardian newspaper is.”
Noble was direct in his criticism of the author of the other edition of the Guardian.
Alfonso Noble
“The child, I guess, um, must be suffering from some Maccoby Goma of what has taken place in the leadership of the UDP and they would want to place the former leader on every page That they possibly could have mustered and I’m happy for them. I really am but thanks to that child for flattering us in this manner.”
Marion Ali
“You refer to the individual as a child Is a U.D.P. supporter as well. He just supports the other.”
Alfonso Noble
“I think it to be a school project that’s really when I first saw it. I saw this is a school project somebody’s school project.”
Marion Ali
“Nonetheless, there are issues that are addressed in the, in their edition that that clearly opposes what you guys are putting out. So you have opposing views or you have differing views or you have different views or different issues. And so there is confusion because people out there, your supporters, particularly UDP supporters, want to know, well, which one is the correct edition of the Guardian that I should be reading.”
Alfonso Noble
“The reader must be able to decipher for themselves what is real and what is not, what comes from the multiverse from the other dimension, or the parallel reality.”
Noble maintains that he and the version that he edits represent the work of the U.D.P. under the leadership of Tracy Panton.
Alfonso Noble
“We are working out of the United Democratic Party headquarters. We are doing the work. Of the United Democratic Party, we’re serving our people. And that is as much as, that can be said, we, there is no confusion here.”
News Five tried to get in touch with Shyne Barrow to find out who his editor is, but we didn’t get a response. We also attempted to identify the author of the other version of the Guardian, but the people we contacted, who are Barrow’s supporters, were either surprised to hear about its circulation or had no idea where it came from. Marion Ali for News Five.
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