Twin Towns Form Group to Deal with Crime
Two weeks ago, the business community of Santa Elena and San Ignacio came out to meet with the Commissioner of Police to share concerns on the issue of crime. Of recent, there has been a few robberies and a murder, particularly since the Hawkesworth Bridge was closed a month ago for refurbishment. Robbers have used that closure to their advantage and have staged attacks on persons on the Santa Elena approach of the bridge, out of the reach of the San Ignacio Police Station. Today, Cayo Northeast Area Representative, Orlando Habet told News Five that a group is to be formed to address the crime issue in the twin towns.

Orlando Habet
Orlando Habet, Area Representative, Cayo Northeast
“I know that they have met amongst themselves with the police department. There is a group that was supposed to be formed, and that group needs to be formed quickly. I think the mayor is still out of the country. So that then there is that collaborative effort amongst all the players. So the police, the Area representatives for the three constituencies, and also with the municipality through the mayor.”
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