HomeAssaultTwenty-six Years for Convicted Child Rapist

Twenty-six Years for Convicted Child Rapist

Twenty-six Years for Convicted Child Rapist

Robert Usher, a father of six, has had his sentences reduced but will still spend the next twenty-six years, eleven months, and fourteen days behind bars for his horrific crimes. Convicted of raping a minor on three separate occasions, along with aggravated and sexual assault, Usher learned his fate this morning before Justice Candace Nanton. The thirty-four-year-old, who switched attorneys after his conviction, found out just how long he’ll be serving. The victim’s nightmare began when she was only eight years old and continued until she was seventeen. Usher first molested her at eight and raped her three times when she turned thirteen. The abuse, which started in September 2010, only stopped when she moved away, and authorities were finally notified. Throughout his trial, Usher maintained his innocence, denying all allegations.  Attorney Norman Rodriguez shared a few comments following the sentencing.


Norman Rodriguez

                            Norman Rodriguez

Norman Rodriguez, Attorney at Law

“ It was actually two counts involving aggravated assault and sexual assault, and three counts of rape for a maximum sentence, overall sentence, of twenty-six years, eleven months and fourteen days. That would mean that they subtracted the eight days he had spent on remand and there was a deduction of a year from the or for the mitigating testimonies of the witnesses. I came on to this matter for the sentence and the mitigation and sentencing. So I can only tell you that his trial started sometime in November and concluded in November when he was found guilty and remanded to the prison for his sentencing.”

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