Tren Maya Passenger Station in Chetumal Completed; Belize Next?
We also asked Espadas for an update on the Tren Maya and if plans are still underway to complete the railway through Chetumal. Espadas told us that the passenger station has been completed and the cargo station is now in the works. He further explained that conversations are ongoing to have the railway extend the into Belize.

Amir Espadas
Amir Espadas, President, CANACO SERVYTUR
“The passenger station here in Chetumal has been completed. What we expect is that the cargo station can be completed, and she has already declared that the cargo station will be completed and built. Why is the cargo station important? Because through the train we can get more products, and we can transport more products from here to the center of the country or from the center of the country to the south of Quintana Roo and we can conduct commercial trade at cheaper prices base on the merchandise that is transported. And so, that allows us, or if we can produce items here or products we can transport them to any part of the country through the Tren Maya. That is one. The other part that the president said is that there is the possibility of extending Tren Maya, according to conversations with the government of Belize, into Belize. That too will help Belize, logically, I think with the President and the position she has taken and the statements she’s made is that we proceed with firmness with Tren Maya. She has declared that an industrial hub will be set up to boost and generate greater economic benefits and more employment for the people of Quintana Roo and logically if we make treaties, then logically the people of Belize could also come to work here and have free transit of people who can work both in Belize and in Mexico and I think that is beneficial for both parties.”
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