Tracy on Contempt of Court: “We don’t share that view.”
On Monday, Doctor Christopher Malcolm made an appearance on Open Your Eyes and later held a Zoom press conference with reporters. Representing Opposition Leader Shyne Barrow, the attorney claimed that Albert Area Rep Tracy Taegar-Panton, leader of the Alliance for Democracy, is in contempt of a High Court order regarding the disputed leadership of the United Democratic Party. Today, Taegar-Panton fired back, refuting Doctor Malcolm’s claims and clarifying that the interim injunction only pertained to access to the U.D.P. headquarters on Youth for the Future Drive.

Tracy Taegar-Panton
Tracy Taegar-Panton, Area Representative, Albert
“The statement was made by the attorney, repeatedly. It is the attorney for Barrow’s view, I believe that it is Mr. Barrow’s view that I am in contempt of court. We don’t share that view. The interim injunction that was provided by Judge Hondura dealt with one issue and one issue only and that had to with the access and the use of the party’s headquarters, access to the headquarters and the use of the party’s organs which is the use of Wave and the Guardian by the movement. And the judge says that for now, until the substantive matters can be heard and this matter can be addressed legally, it reverts to the status quo. The judge said nothing about the leadership of the party. He spoke strictly to the use of the building and the use of the party organs, meaning Wave and the Guardian Newspaper.”
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