HomeCrimeTourism Minister Says Hotel Closed Down Voluntarily  

Tourism Minister Says Hotel Closed Down Voluntarily  

Tourism Minister Says Hotel Closed Down Voluntarily  

The situation sparked international outrage, especially from the families of the deceased. Minister of Tourism Anthony Mahler mentioned that his office is fully informed about the incident. He noted that the hotel’s decision to temporarily close was voluntary. Depending on the results, the hotel might reopen for business soon.


Anthony Mahler

                       Anthony Mahler

Anthony Mahler, Minister of Tourism

“It was a voluntary shutdown. We found some issues with the property and so we had a discussion with them and they decided to shut down to take remedial actions to deal with the issues that we had found. But in terms of the tests and the toxicology tests, we’re still waiting on that to determine the true cause of death.”


Paul Lopez

“Nothing about carbon monoxide has passed your desk as yet officially?”


Anthony Mahler

“Well, we’ve had a discussion about that. That is a possibility. We’re not ruling anything out, but I can assure you, the families believe that we will do the right thing in terms of putting the information forward as we get the information.”


Paul Lopez

“Are there plans to reopen the hotel when the investigation is completed?”


Anthony Mahler

“Well, as long as it’s approved by the necessary agencies to be opened.”


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