HomeLatest NewsTony Novelo Writes CitCo Claiming Payment

Tony Novelo Writes CitCo Claiming Payment

Tony Novelo Writes CitCo Claiming Payment

The Belize City Council issued a press release this evening in response to a letter that businessman and former owner of Novelo’s Bus Line, Tony Novelo wrote claiming monies owed to him. In a letter dated June twelfth, Novelo’s cites a court ruling from a 2007 civil suit in which he was awarded monies.  He claims that, including interest, the judgment is now worth over four hundred and fifty-nine thousand dollars. And Novelo wants the money in full by June thirtieth. In his letter, he warns Mayor Bernard Wagner that if the Council does not comply with the court order, he will take prompt action. Novelo also claims that he has been seeking an audience with Mayor Wagner for several months to discuss the outstanding judgment and that he has made numerous attempts to have a meeting to discuss a settlement. The Council, in its press release, said that it is in receipt of a correspondence from Novelo regarding the claim and that the Council has since instructed its legal counsel to research the matter at the High Court since it was unaware of the ruling. The Council says it has not been able to find any record of the judgment and that despite requests by its legal counsel for Novelo to provide a copy of the judgment, none has been produced. The council states that once it is satisfied that a debt is owing to Novelo, it will make payments.

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