Three Men Arrested and Charged in Relation to Major Drug and Gun Bust
As we said, three persons were found on an island off the coast of Belize City where police discovered drugs and guns on Tuesday. They are forty-one-year-old Edwin “Drive” Flowers, thirty-two-year-old Kenyon Dominquez and twenty-five-year-old Gaston Barrow. Flowers is no stranger to the law. He is said to be a former gang leader. Several attempts have also been made on his life. And, he has also been to court on charges of robbery and murder. Flowers was recently employed by the Leadership Intervention Unit. ComPol Williams was asked if the LIU is shielding known gang figures. Here is how he responded.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“The LIU is vehicle that we are using to see how we can change the minds and hearts of these street figures. I can see where in some instances it is working. The LIU is not a shield for anybody and so I don’t want no one to believe that because a particular person is a member of LIU or works with LIU that they are immune from criminal liability or from the police going to their homes and search. I have always said that once police get information of anybody of crime or anything illegal the police is going to do what needs to be done regardless of who that person is. So “Drive” works closely with LIU. He is a person in the program, and we have tried our best to work with him and it goes back to what I have said. We police with a double-edged sword. We offer the dull side to the persons who want to change but once they start to perpetuate criminal acts, we have to use the sharp side of the sword and cut them off it is as simple as that.”
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