The U.D.P. Belize City “Economy, Environment and Equity” Manifesto
The United Democratic Party’s Belize City Municipal slate launched its manifesto this afternoon. They invited reporters to the Battlefield Park in Belize City to announce the plans outlined in the manifesto. Giving consideration to the fact that, for the most part, paper-based manifestos are outdated and everything is now moving digital, they have also made the document available online. Nelma Mortis, the U.D.P. mayoral candidate, explained that the manifesto is based on three pillars.

Nelma Mortis
Nelma Mortis, U.D.P. Mayoral Candidate, Belize City
“Here is a sample of it. This is an unusual way of launching a manifesto but my team represents one that is innovative. We think about digitization, technology and sustainability. So our manifesto is built on three pillars, which is unusual and some people are still struggling to internalize what it is saying because it is not totally aligned with the traditional manifesto and the act of the city council. However, urban planning requires us to reflect on this triangle which looks at economic growth, environment, and lastly equity which looks at social access.”

Alisha Craig
Alisha Craig, U.D.P. Councilor Candidate, Belize City
“This is our manifesto here. We decided to be a bit creative because the paper based one people look at it and get lost. So here at the back of the manifesto we have a QR code. So you take your cell phone, your camera out and you scan the QR code and it will take you to the link.”
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