Teacher Sickout at Belmopan Baptist School
Today, teachers at Belmopan Baptist High School staged a sickout to protest the school administration’s behavior. Seven out of the school’s nineteen teachers called in sick. Despite this setback, classes continued as usual. News Five’s Britney has more details.
Britney Gordon, Reporting
Nearly half of the teachers at Belmopan Baptist High School didn’t show up for work today, calling in sick to protest against several actions taken by the school’s administration. Despite their absence, the school continued to operate. We spoke with one of the teachers participating in the sickout to get their perspective.

Voice of: Baptist Teacher 1
Voice of: Baptist Teacher 1
“Most recently we had a security officer who was wrongfully terminated. And and all of this has led to amount of frustration amongst the staff members. And we are asking for A meeting with the entire board of management and at this juncture they have refused to have such a meeting. And that is the reason why we are taking these actions today.”
The teachers allege that since the new principal took over in August 2024, several employees, including those with over seventeen years of service, have been unfairly terminated. However, Pastor Ashley Rocke, chairman of the school and President of the Baptist Association of Belize, insists that these staff changes were necessary for the school’s improvement.

Ashley Rocke
Ashley Rocke, Chairman, Belmopan Baptist High School
“ I’ve watched as our school was manipulated by people that did not even belong to our association. So Baptist decided we’re going to take back our schools. We’re going to run our schools the way we want. And the way we feel that it is right to make sure that the kids get the education they need. We’ve had resistance. The last principal left. He resigned and he left. And so we were saddled with the responsibility of getting a new principal.”
The teachers shared that the previous principal was problematic, so they were initially excited about the new leadership. However, they now feel that the new principal consistently disrespects the staff.
Voice of: Baptist Teacher 2
“To come and tell us then know that, come and tell the teachers that the principal left because the teachers frustrate him is totally untrue because he himself condoned it. It is under their management, so how could it be that it is our fault? So that is one of the things that we see we are noticing. The buck stops with the chairman in this case and he can step out, step in and select who should run the school, a true leader. Recently, the chairman told us that they intentionally hired the current principal right now. I don’t know what he means by that.”
Rocke explained that there’s been a recent push within the Baptist community to reclaim ownership of their schools. This movement has brought about leadership changes, which haven’t been welcomed by all staff members.
Ashley Rock
“My contention as it relates to Baptist School in Belmopan is that I get the impression that the teachers want to continue to tell us how the school should be run. And I will not have it. I wasn’t afraid to say to them, this is our school. And if you don’t want to stay, you are free to leave. That was the reason they felt disrespected. But we have a process how we are going. We, even in the Baptist Association, we have decided how we are going to rec, captivate our schools and make sure that they’re under our guidance.”
To resolve the issues, the teachers requested a meeting with the entire administrative team. However, they were informed only three directors would be in attendance. Rocke maintains that this approach is the best way to approach the situation.
Ashley Rock
“As a board we were gonna sit down, listen to our directors, what they found, and then chart a way forward as to how to engage or better. Work with the teachers, if you will. But they didn’t want to give us that chance. They told us, you have to do what we want. We want all a unu come. And the last time that all of us went, it was a disaster. They were very embarrassing. Some of the things that they did while the meeting was going on was wrong. And I felt to myself, I will not be ambushed again. I will not go into no meeting where nobody will ambush me and try to pin me into no corner. So I told, I asked the three directors and they were willing to go.”
According to Rocke, the teachers have not been receptive to the changes brought by the new principal and continuously push back against her authority.
Ashley Rocke
“ The principal came on board and did revolutionary things for our school, right? But ever since she came, they continue to fight her. They continue to fight her. To bring her down. They continue to say strange thing about her. All the ladies’ intention was she knew how schools are on. She was once a vice principal in a high school. She came to our school trying to help us”
The teachers continue to push for better treatment and demand that their concerns be taken seriously. They maintain that mutual respect is conducive to a healthy work environment.
Voice of: Baptist Teacher 2
“We hope to get this matter rectified and all in the relevant stakeholders that they get on board and that we see that this matter be addressed, including the Ministry of Education. Because at the end of the day, we have our students interests at hand, and that is our ultimate goal, that they receive the best education.”
Rocke says that he is open to hearing the teachers, but has put his foot down about the way the meeting will be conducted.
Ashley Rocke
“ They either come and meet with the three directors and give us the opportunity to hear from the directors what the issues are. Because I’m not gonna meet with them again. I will not be embarrassed again. Last time we had a meeting, I was embarrassed and I felt the, the disrespect that they talked about was the disrespect they gave to me as the chairman of that school board”
Britney Gordon for News Five.
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