HomeBreaking NewsTeacher Could Lose His Job and All Benefits

Teacher Could Lose His Job and All Benefits

Teacher Could Lose His Job and All Benefits

And while the law will deal with the teacher criminally, the school management of Aguacate R.C Primary School is also expected to take disciplinary action against him. Under the education rules, teachers who engage in any activity that brings the teaching profession into disrepute, whether on the job or not, can be disciplined if criminally charged, or any act that is unbecoming of a teacher. Even if the teacher is granted bail, an offence of this nature warrants that he be placed on administrative leave, which means he would have been restricted from the compound. Even if the child was a sixteen-year-old student, the managing authority has the responsibility to place a teacher who commits such an offence on leave, based on the medical examination. In cases like these, when the school takes disciplinary action against an offending teacher, and the managing authority holds a full investigation, the Teaching Services Commission is informed of the findings and makes recommendations to terminate the services of the teacher. News Five tried to get a comment from C.E.O. in the Ministry of Education, Dian Maheia, but we were informed that she was out of the country.

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