Taegar-Panton Says Her Team Will Use the Colour Red
Another hot topic right now is the use of the color red for the U.D.P. While Taegar-Panton and Barrow claim there are thirty-one candidates for the U.D.P., Barrow insists that Taegar-Panton and the group that violated the U.D.P. Constitution are no longer part of the party and shouldn’t use the color red for their campaign or on election day. However, Taegar-Panton strongly disagrees with this view.

Tracy Taegar-Panton
Tracy Taegar-Panton, Area Representative, Albert
“No, we’re using red. We are members of the United Democratic Party. I’m a duly elected member of this party. I sit as a U.D.P. representative in the National Assembly until it was dissolved this morning for two terms. I have not been constructively resigned. I have not been expelled. I have not been “relieved” of my membership of the United Democratic Party. I do not accept that. That was unconstitutional and illegally done unilaterally done by one individual. And that is not what the constitution of the party says we treat with persons who need to be purportedly expelled from the United Democratic Party. I am a member of the United Democratic Party and Shyne Barrow or his attorney cannot declare me not a member of the United Democratic Party. We have requested to run on a red banner and our information is that the Election on Boundaries provided two proposals and we voted on one. The one we voted for was for two of us to get the red.”
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