HomeAgricultureSugarcane Farmers Calls PM Briceño A Liar

Sugarcane Farmers Calls PM Briceño A Liar

Alfredo Ortega

Sugarcane Farmers Calls PM Briceño A Liar

Doubling down on their position, Ortega plainly stated that the association believes Prime Minister Briceño lied to cane farmers and Belizeans to put an end to the protest actions. Ortega also cautioned PM Briceño, contending that sugarcane farmers possess the power to significantly influence the outcome of the 2025 general elections in Orange Walk Central.


Alfredo Ortega, Vice-Chairman, B.S.C.F.A.

“As you can see we have reached March and the signing of the document was in January. Thirty days was in February. So we have long past due that. Now that we have reached this stage and we have listened, because first we were waiting for the government or the prime minister to declare, because he said in his interview on Friday that he is the one in charge to declare the commission of inquiry. We were waiting for that, but when we listened to what he said on Friday we can clearly say he lied to us, he lied to the cane farmers and that is why we are here. We want to clearly see how the prime minister behaves, lying to the cane farmers, lying to us, lying to the Belizean people on his statements he said that we are not the only association. When we were negotiating and he was the one leading the negotiation between us and BSI, he was the one that was brining out some of these things for us to negotiate and reach a point that is beneficial to us and that is why he signed these documents. This is something I want to put very clear, because of the outcome of the town council election he comes and beats his chest that he gets an overwhelming support and he gave the sense like it is the farmers that gave the overwhelming support. Let me remind him that in town is a very small percentage of cane farmers that voted for the town council election and let us put it very clear, the town council results came by the works the council is doing, not by him.”


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