HomeBreaking NewsStudents Advocate for Climate Action Through Bus Stop Painting

Students Advocate for Climate Action Through Bus Stop Painting

Students Advocate for Climate Action Through Bus Stop Painting

Students Advocate for Climate Action Through Bus Stop Painting

Students from the Valley of Peace Seventh Day Adventist Academy are expressing their art with vibrant murals and anti-pollution messages as part of the Youth Climate Action Bus Stop Painting competition in their village. Over the past two weeks, the youths have dedicated their weekends to creating murals and anti-pollution messages on three local bus stops.

The initiative is a collaboration with the Belize Maya Forest Trust, led by Dr Elma Kay, and the British High Commission. Dr Kay said that “this is one of several initiatives”, including a cleanup in the community yesterday.

She pointed out the importance of involving young people in climate action by “empowering young voices” to speak about climate change. She said the theme focuses on “Speak Up, Inspire, and Make a Difference.”

Kay explained that the bus stop competition will offer students the chance to win “experiential prizes”, including “trips to various places around the country to engage with nature and understand more about how nature is being impacted by climate change and what can be some of the things that they can do.”

The school principal, Justine Myvett, explained that the competition encourages students to take ownership of their future. “For youths, it’s very powerful; it’s a way to show different persons of the community that the students are feeling the impacts of climate change and they are concerned about their future,” she said.

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