Stolen WRH Toyota Hilux Returned
Last Thursday, reports surfaced of a stolen Toyota Hilux from the Western Regional Hospital. The vehicle’s GPS tracker was activated, and it showed that the Hilux was in Flores Peten, Guatemala. Authorities in Guatemala have since located and returned the Toyota Hilux back to Belize. An investigation is ongoing to determine how the vehicle was stolen and taken across the border. Today, Minister Bernard commended the quick response.

Kevin Bernard
Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
“I don’t know the details of the truck. I was out in Chile at a summit on patient safety when my CEO informed me that a truck, one of the pickup was stolen. It is not about whether it was stolen it was about the quick response that our ministry and the personnel at the ministry and I must give my people kudos for that, because they got on board, they got in contact with the police and the police worked immediately and efficiently with us and that is how we were able to track that vehicle on the Guatemalan side and the Guatemalan authority worked very close with our ministry and also our police personnel that we were able to get that vehicle right back into the county the following day.”
“Is it alarming that the security saw the vehicle leave at midnight and it didn’t raise any suspicions?”
Kevin Bernard
“Of course it does and I am sure that we are going to ensure the proper investigations are carried out to ensure those persons who were there to protect the investments of our people, which are the tax payers money to ensure they can answer to any questions that may arrive. I know the police is doing tis own investigation. I have not gotten any other details as it relates to that.”
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