STEAM Prepares Belizean Students for the Future
In a world where technology and innovation are rapidly reshaping the landscape of employment and creativity, a new educational model is emerging in classrooms around the globe. STEAM is not just an acronym; it’s a revolution in learning. Tonight’s Belize on Reel feature delves into the vibrant classrooms at Itz’at where STEAM is coming to life, exploring how this interdisciplinary approach is preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s challenges. We’ll uncover the impact of integrating arts into the traditional STEM model, witness the transformation of young minds, and understand why educators and industry leaders alike are championing STEAM as the key to unlocking a brighter, more innovative future for Belize. Here’s News Five’s Isani Cayetano.

Elroy Tucker
Elroy Tucker, Student, Itz’at STEAM Academy
“They had a very interactive approach towards learning because the first thing that they did with us was an activity where we were supposed to collaborate with our teammates in our primary school.”
Isani Cayetano, Reporting
STEAM education prepares students like Elroy Tucker Jr. to tackle real-world challenges by engaging in project-based learning that stimulates actual problems and scenarios they might encounter in their future careers. It’s an approach that piqued his interest from the onset.
Elroy Tucker
“My sister is in St. Catherine Academy which is a traditional school and the rest of my family insisted that I should go to a traditional school until I saw Itz’at STEAM Academy. It was roughly the first school that I actually felt interested in because I knew for a very long period of time that other schools were just a challenge that you get through so that you can get into the workforce.”
As the job market evolves, STEAM education equips students with the skills necessary to succeed in careers that may not even exist yet, ensuring that they are adaptable and ready for the future.

Cristine Coc
Cristine Coc, Vice Principal, Itz’at STEAM Academy
“There needs to be a mindset shift. When you come from traditional schools, you are expected to stand up when the teacher walks in, say good morning, and, you know, write a lot of notes and carry a lot of books. And they come with that expectation. And some of them come with dislike for math, they come with a dislike for science. “I don’t like science, I don’t like math, give me art. I love art.”
By including the arts with STEM, students are encouraged to think creatively and innovatively, combining analytical thinking with resourceful problem-solving. This is necessary for the development of future innovators. At thirteen years old, Tyler Gabourel is already thinking ahead.

Tyler Gabourel
Tyler Gabourel, Student, Itz’at STEAM Academy
“I want to be technological engineer and Itz’at is kind of like the perfect school for that because everything we do is on computers and we learn about the different machines and how to use them and how to use them appropriately and professionally.”
The STEAM approach provides an inclusive educational framework that allows all students, regardless of their natural aptitudes, to engage and contribute, ensuring that each student can find their niche within the curriculum.

Melanie Arias
Melanie Arias, Student, Itz’at STEAM Academy
“The curriculums are different than normal high schools but they are also fun and they show your creative and innovative side.”
It is not just about teaching individual subjects; it’s about preparing students for life, providing them with a versatile skill set that goes beyond traditional academic boundaries and empowers them to become lifelong learners and contributors to Belizean society.
Melanie Arias
“I decided on this because it was a new school and then I read a lot about it and then it was like very… it was a “wow” experience when I started reading about the school.
STEAM education can positively impact cognitive development, increase literacy and math skills, and help students reflect meaningfully on their work and that of their peers.

Jahzhia Morales
Jahzhia Morales, Student, Itz’at STEAM Academy
“So I really like the classroom experience because they make you feel very comfortable and safe where you can share your answers and you don’t feel. Itz’at is more tailored to my future career path that I would like to go. I want to be an architect and in the STEAM school there is science, technology, engineering, arts and math which I would all need for my future career path.”
A holistic learning environment integrates various disciplines, encouraging students to make connections across subjects and apply their knowledge in a comprehensive manner.
Cristine Coc
“When we started, it was myself, Mr. Smith, Ms. Chable, Mr. Palacio and the principal. We did not have this fancy campus, we were in a tiny room and that was where we came together and it came to my knowledge that everybody sitting in that room wanted a different type of schooling. And as one of the administrators, my job was to hear them out. What are your ideas, what are your thoughts? And you know, they would express that and I would say, “Wow, we all have that same vision of what a different school may be.”
Isani Cayetano for News Five.
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