Spots Still Available for Children’s Steam Summer Academy
STEAM Education is an approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics to engage students in dialogues of critical thinking and creativity. This summer, codirectors Orlando Medina and Joseph Stamp-Romero are inviting students to sign up for the Steam Summer Academy in Belize city. This four-week program intends to provide participants with a diverse learning experience. We spoke with Orlando Medina of Educational Scientific Solutions for more information.

Orlando Medina
Orlando Medina, Codirector
“We’re running a summer camp this summer for kids between the ages of eight to thirteen, we’re going to be focusing on various areas. It’s going to be involved arts, science, a little bit of technology in terms of robotics, and we even have sports and karate. So it’s a diverse experience. We’re trying to create a diverse experience for students for the summer. It’s going to be for four weeks. We’re hosting it at Edward P. York High School. And it’s going to be running from Monday to Friday, starting next week, Monday, July the first to the twenty-sixth. We’re planning to do this for four weeks. Try to immerse the kids, allow them to discover the different areas of different talents and interests. We’re still taking registration. So if you’re interested in something that is and it’s a camp that is designed to, it’s something that we’re educators. So it is something that we are putting together a little curriculum for it. We’re putting together all the activities on. We plan to provide snacks for these kids on. We want to do so much. You want to really make it a full experience. The last Friday they will get a to showcase what they learned throughout the camp, but really the structure for the camp that we have is that every week, for example, they will be asked to present what they have been working on for the week, like the little challenges that they have, they would get a chance to look at it and see where is it that they can improve? And then as we go along, we have this grand finale at the end where they’re going to showcase what they have learned in a different areas. And so children will get to showcase and they could choose if they could choose more than one area. So if they want to demonstrate what they have done in science and math and what they want to do, a little bit of art or dance or whatever, they could showcase that as well.”
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