Spanish Newscast Noticiero 5 Semanal Launches Tonight
You heard right! Channel 5 is launching its full-length and televised Spanish-language newscast, Noticiero 5 Semanal. Starting today, viewers can tune in every week at 7:00 p.m. to catch top local and international stories of the week, from politics to culture, all presented in Spanish by the news presenter Franzella Hermoso.
Producing the newscast is Digital Editor Hipolito Novelo; he says Noticiero 5 Semanal is a long-awaited initiative aimed at directly serving the country’s Spanish-speaking communities. “According to the 2022 census by the SIB, 75% of the population speaks English, 54% speak Spanish, so that means that some people might feel more comfortable consuming news in Spanish, especially in areas where it is the dominant language,” he said.
“To our knowledge, this will be the first televised Spanish newscast with a nationwide impact. This station is once again leading the way,” Novelo said. “The goal isn’t just to translate the news but to ensure that Spanish-speaking communities are represented in the stories we cover.”
The newscast will focus on a range of issues, including politics, social developments, culture, and daily life. Its introduction follows News 5’s shift toward an integrated newsroom with a digital-first approach. “Our Spanish news is a continuation of this transformation,” Novelo explained. “We aim to keep people informed, not only through their preferred medium but also in their preferred language. With over half of Belize’s population speaking Spanish, this is a natural step forward.”
While other languages like Creole and Garifuna are also spoken in Belize, Novelo pointed out that Spanish is the second most widely used language in the country. “In some areas, there are more Spanish speakers than English speakers. The latest census confirmed this, and we are simply expanding our reach to ensure inclusivity.”
Novelo pointed out that the soft launch of this new product has received “overwhelming support” from viewers, with “comments on social media showing that this is something that the viewers wanted and needed for many years. People want to see themselves reflected in the news, and this newscast gives them that space.”
The team at Channel 5 is encouraging supporters to reach out with any story idea, report, or news they would want to see aired in Noticiero 5 Semanal every Friday at 7 in the night, just after the 6:00 p.m.’s traditional newscast airs.
Viewers are welcomed to reach out to the tip line at 672-5555. Tune in tonight on Noticiero 5 Semanal, and every Friday, at 7:00 p.m. on TV, YouTube, Facebook, and even on TikTok (@noticiero5semanal).
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