Son of Accused Belmopan Murder Wanted in the U.S
The son of accused Belmopan murderer, Haitian American, Robert Joseph, is wanted in the United States of America. Twenty-two-year-old David Joseph was seen in surveillance footage dropping off his father at the scene of last week’s murder. Police detained David Joseph for questioning where it was learnt that he is wanted in the U.S. According to police, he has agreed to be extradited.
“Has the gentleman’s son been interviewed and can police say whether he has been ruled out?”

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“The gentleman’s son is in the U.S. He was wanted in the U.S. and has been sent back to face charges that he was wanted for out there.”
Paul Lopez
“Was he detained here for questioning in relation to this incident?”
Chester Williams
“He was detained and he agreed to be taken back to the U.S.”
The Belmopan Market Plaza will be hosting a candlelight vigil on Wednesday at seven p.m. in memory of Lauren Fiorito and Megan Klassen. The event will take place on the Paradise Café parking lot.
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