Shyne Barrow Files Police Report Against Bev Williams
On Monday, Party Leader Shyne Barrow filed a formal complaint with the Belize Police Department after reportedly being threatened by Second Deputy Party Leader Beverly Williams. The two were engaged in a bitter spat on Saturday afternoon that quickly became personal. During the exchange of words, it is alleged that Williams made a threat on Barrow’s life. The incident is still fresh and old wounds are also festering. So how will the party move forward, despite the resentment between the party leader and his second deputy?

Shyne Barrow
Shyne Barrow, Party Leader, U.D.P.
“I have no malice towards anyone, I just want what is best for the party.”
“But how can you sit with someone who you said has made a threat, who you feel has made a threat on your life? You made a police complaint.”
Shyne Barrow
“Well that is a matter of fact. The person admitted it, there’s evidence of that.”
“I am just saying, I am not asking you to assess the factual nature of it. I am asking you, how do you sit and talk politics and progress with someone whom you believe threatened your life?”
Shyne Barrow
“You keep saying believe, as if I am hallucinating. Nonetheless, the country comes first and the party comes first, and so I am prepared to do whatever we need to do to forgive and heal in not just the interest of not just the party but the country.”
“Sir, your party chairman received a petition yesterday asking for a national convention in ninety days time. He rejected it this morning in a letter in which basically he says it’s impractical based on my discretionary assessment. The persons who filed the petition have complained that he has no authority to use discretionary judgment when the constitution is clear, if you meet a threshold, you trigger a national convention. They’re saying, “We’ve met the threshold, trigger it. You have no choice.” What’s your response, sir?”
Shyne Barrow
“That is absolutely untrue.”
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