Shyne Accuses The Alliance of Fraud and Deception
Moses “Shyne” Barrow says that he remains the leader of the United Democratic Party. This is after the Tracy Panton-led Alliance for Democracy held what it described as a ‘unity convention’ on Sunday during which U.D.P. delegates voted for Panton to be the U.D.P. leader. But as we have been reporting, Barrow is rejecting any and all results from the Alliance’s convention, saying that the event was not sanctioned by the leadership of the U.D.P. nor its executive and therefore was a waste of time and money. Barrow stopped by our studies today and accused The Alliance of fraud and deception. He said that none of the motioned passed is valid or legitimate.

Moses “Shyne Barrow
Moses “Shyne Barrow, Leader, U.D.P.
“That is fraud and deception. That event on Sunday is an Alliance for Democracy party event. Anything else that they would want to claim is complete fraud and deception. That was not a UDP convention. Where in the UDP constitution does it allow activities, procedures to take place without the duly elected executive? You show me where in the UDP constitution it says that the delegates can appoint an interim, they appointed two interim party chairmans on Sunday. They started with Jacqueline Willoughby then they went again with Sheena Pitts. Show me where in the UDP constitution, the delegates can do that. In order for the convention to proceed, the party chairman has to call it to order. No. If Alberto August had broken ranks with us and showed up, you could make an argument even though we would argue, well, he’s going against what the National Party Council decided. So it is still not legit. That would be a more legitimate argument that at least the secretary general, the deputy party chairman, one of the people that has the authority to preside over the activity, to call it to order so that you can vote on anything. So nothing that they voted on is valid or legit. This was Maduro 2. 0. They had whatever they had with no challenges, no contests. And you have taken everything that they have said as fact. Who verified who was a delegate and who was not a delegate?”
Marion Ali
“How are delegates identified in the first place and the number of delegates?”
Moses “Shyne” Brrow
“By the Secretary General. The Secretary General. The secretariat gets the list from the standard bearers. When there is a convention, we go over that list.”
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