HomeCayo DistrictSearch for Mynor Galindo Continues, Was He at SICH During Incident?

Search for Mynor Galindo Continues, Was He at SICH During Incident?

Search for Mynor Galindo Continues, Was He at SICH During Incident?

Police continue their search for Mynor Galindo, the brother of now deceased alleged gang leader David Galindo. But according to the Minister of Home Affairs, video footage from the San Ignacio Community Hospital has so far revealed that he was not at the hospital. This narrative lines up with the account he gave News Five when we spoke with him last week. Here is what Minister Musa told reporters today.



“I know the police are looking for Minor Galindo. I understand he was the one who identified his brother’s body. Is there any reason he wasn’t picked up at that moment?”


Kareem Musa

                          Kareem Musa

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs

“I am told  from a review of the video footage, and I hope I’m not being premature here, but I am told that he was not identified at the hospital based on the review of the video footage, and so whether he took part in something thereafter, that again is under investigation but in relation to the incident the night of the hospital I’m I’m  He was not there based on the review of the footage.”



“How is the search for him going?”


Kareem Musa

“I’ll have to check with the Commissioner of Police on that.”

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