HomeLatest NewsSanta Cruz Bullies Taken into Police Custody

Santa Cruz Bullies Taken into Police Custody

Santa Cruz Bullies Taken into Police Custody

Earlier today, a video depicting a minor being harassed and assaulted by a group of his peers began circulating on social media. In this video, a male youth is seen being followed by at least four male individuals hurling insults for several minutes before punching him in the face. The group then continues to follow him. In response to this video, Commissioner of police Chester Williams released a statement condemning the act and assuring the public that police have intervened in the situation. In his statement, Williams says, ” please note that police are addressing this situation. An official report has been lodged with the police and the boys doing the bullying are in custody.” He further explains that the police are going to be working with the parents of the individuals involved and their schools so that this incident does not reoccur. Williams advises parents to monitor their children’s activity and notes that behaviors such as these are how gangs emerge.

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