S.S.B. Responds to N.T.U.C.B., Reiterates Boards Compliance to Legislation
On July twenty-fourth, the National Trade Union Congress of Belize issued a letter to the Social Security Board, voicing complaints on several matters. These concerns consisted of the decision to employ a deputy C.E.O. without informing the N.T.U.C.B. In the letter, the union also maintains that the S.S.B. has consistently excluded the N.T.U.C.B. from important decision-making processes. Shortly after, the S.S.B. issued a response to the union, maintaining that the board has adhered to protocol in these instances.

Deborah Ruiz
Deborah Ruiz, C.E.O., S.S.B.
“I think it was I think the letters are clear. I don’t know what else to say about that. That’s their perspective. We follow the guidelines as to how matters are tabled before the board. And the board in their wisdom, as a unit cast their vote, they are given opportunity to weigh in and the majority per the regulations is what decides on a vote.”
“Do you think that may have signaled that there was some sort of underlying turbulence within the relationship between the union and S.S.B.?”
Deborah Ruiz
“I have never seen that. Our board has worked particularly well together. Yes. No, I don’t know what, so that is a matter that we have an open board and I’m sure the matter will be discussed further.”
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