HomeBelize DistrictRetired Police Sergeant Convicted of Raping His Stepdaughter

Retired Police Sergeant Convicted of Raping His Stepdaughter

Retired Police Sergeant Convicted of Raping His Stepdaughter

A retired police sergeant has been convicted of the rape of a child and sexual assault and tonight he is on remand at the Belize Central Prison until he is sentenced on July sixteenth.  Earlier today in the High Court of Justice Candace Nanton, the sixty-six-year-old former officer was found guilty of molesting and raping his seven-year-old stepdaughter.  The crown was able to prove the charges during the testimony of the child with corroborating evidence from the little girl’s mother, as well as a teacher whom she confided in.  The minor, who testified in camera, told the court that sometime between October fifth and December seventeenth, 2021, her stepfather raped her.  A few months later, in April 2022, he molested her.  Justice Nanton, in finding the stepfather guilty, concluded that the testimonies of the child, her mother and teacher only strengthened the prosecution’s case.  The retired policeman denied the allegations and told the court that the entire story was fabricated.  Ahead of his sentencing, a victim impact assessment, as well as a social inquiry report and psychiatric evaluation have been ordered.

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