Remembering the Legacy of Miss Jane’s Kindness
It’s been five years since the death of the beloved Jane Usher, otherwise known as Miss or Ma Jane. She is remembered for her contributions to the credit union movement, working diligently at the Holy Redeemer Credit Union for over sixty-five years and as a humanitarian, assisting Belizeans with healthcare, housing, and financial security. Under her leadership, the H.R.C.U. grew to become one of the most successful financial institutions in Belize. In tonight’s episode of Kolcha Tuesday, we look back on the legacy of Doctor Jane Usher and her contributions to her country. Here’s the story.
Britney Gordon, Reporting
Born Jane Ellen Mary Price, Jane Usher is the sister of whom many refer to as the Father of the Nation, George Price. But through her service to the Belizean public and contributions to the exponential growth of the credit union movement she made a memorable name for herself. She began as a clerk in 1944 and climbed the ladder, becoming CEO in 1956. Through her competency and hard work, the institution flourished.
[File: 2016]

Dr. Jane Usher
Dr. Jane Usher, Late CEO, H.R.C.U.
“I remember when the bishop of Belize told me I had to take over the credit union, I couldn’t even make out a deposit slip. Because the person they left in charge was not able to continue and they gave me the credit union. And I just stayed there and worked and worked. And I’m happy to have made the first million, then the second million and the third million. Don’t ask me how many millions we are now, but I’m still there.”
Miss Jane worked diligently to grow the H.R.C.U., but she is revered for her work in politics and government as well. She served as Deputy Minister of Health, housing cooperatives, and credit unions. She would assume the role of President of the Senate in 1989. According to her son, Francis Usher, service to others was a core value she instilled in them.
[File: 2016]

Francis Usher
Francis Usher, Son
“Well they raised us from childhood to help other people. First starting with the family and then outside. And it just got in us. So, we just kept on going. So we always put ourselves last. The person in front of you first.”
Her daughter, Carolyn Matus, reiterated her mother’s drive to help others in all circumstances. The lessons her mother taught her through her acts of kindness remained with her into adulthood.
[File: 2016]

Carolyn Matus
Carolyn Matus, Daughter
“I remember as a young child, there was something she said. I had just gotten out of the office, walking outside to go to the car. And then another lady stopped her, little old lady. And she just wanted to talk. And I remember telling mom come on let’s go, we’re hungry. And she neva disciplined e hard but she said things in such a way you feel so bad afterwards. She said, she just needed somebody to talk to. And I said but we hungry and she said but no. She probably noh have anybody. And she just want talk. She said you know sometimes Petie, because they call me Petie, you have to give somebody else and it’s not always about you all.”
She is fondly remembered for her interpersonal skills and her ability to liven up a room. Her son, Robert Usher, believes it was part of the reason people gravitated towards her for assistance.
[File: 2016]

Robert Usher
Robert Usher, Son
“I think her success at the credit union has been that she is a people person. Miss Jane walks into a room and she lights the room up because she is very vocal. She is going to speak, she is not gonna sequester herself in a little corner. She’s gonna get out there and she’s gonna talk to you and she will let you open up. And when you open up, you will relay to her your concerns, your fears, your desires. And she will then assist you in trying to find solutions to those desires that you have.”
This legacy is not supported solely by her children, but also by the people she worked with. The staff at the H.R.C.U. looked forward to greeting her whenever she stopped by.
[File: Sep 5, 2017]

Nigel Alvarado
Nigel Alvarado, Loans Officer, H.R.C.U.
“I’ve known Miss Jane for the past five years going on to six and I’ve never one day had a disappointment working here. She greets me every morning I go in her office; I always give her a kiss on her cheeks. She is a very lovely lady. Any person that is around her will always leave and say Miss Jane is one of a kind.”

Luanne Daniels
Luanne Daniels, Internal Auditor, H.R.C.U.
“Miss Jane is full of life; she is truly an inspiration to everybody. She is the first face that we see in the morning; your morning doesn’t start until you tell her good morning and you see her.”
This attitude of kindness and hospitability is a lesson that she also passed on to her staff.
[File: 2016]

Sonny Meighan
Sonny Meighan, Office Manager’s Asst., H.R.C.U.
“She taught me how to talk to people, how to greet people, how to do my finances, how to spend my money. She taught me that the credit union was built on trust.”
Jane Usher helped shape a generation of Belize’s national leaders, inspiring them to lead with kindness for the love of their country.
[File: Dec 12, 2018]

Voice of: John Briceño
Voice of: John Briceño, P.U.P. Leader
“People remember Miss Jane for the work that she has done at Holy Redeemer Credit Union, that most people when they talk about HRCU, dehn seh, “I gwein go sih Miss Jane.” Meaning that dehn gwein da Holy Redeemer Credit Union and it was amazing the life that she had, that she worked probably until sometime early this year when she got into, she had a spill and broke her pelvic bone. It’s just so amazing what Miss Jane has done that she has touched the lives of thousands upon thousands of Belizeans, the small man and woman that does not have access to the bank, that can go to Miss Jane, borrow wahn lee money to send their children to school to have an education, build wahn small lee house.”
Belize bade farewell to Doctor Usher in 2018, when she passed at the age of one hundred and one years old. At the funeral, her great-granddaughter, Sophia Usher, delivered a speech commemorating her life’s work.
[File: Dec 18, 2018]

Sophia Usher
Sophia Usher, Great-Granddaughter
“She is an incredible inspiration to women of all ages and walks of life across the country, an example of the possibilities that exist when women play an integral role in the development of our nation. In on the very formidable legacy that women like Miss Jane that we strengthen our efforts to receive parity for women and girls in this country. We are forever grateful for her service. Miss Jane is truly without comparison, I don’t know if she will ever join her brother in having official conferral of the status which befits her legend.”
Doctor Jane Usher believed that after she left the earth, her legacy of kindness would live on in memory.
[File: 2016]
Dr. Jane Usher
“I think they will remember me for what I really did in life. Besides the credit union movement, but the people that I have helped. The people that have come to me for help.”
Britney Gordon for News Five.
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