Reggae Street Resident Says Police Mistreated Her
The allegations against the mother and daughter are that on Thursday, October ninth, 2024, at Reggae Street, Belize City, they obstructed Cpl. Francisco Martinez while he was performing his duties. They pleaded not guilty and wanted to explain their side but were told to save it for later. Both insisted they were innocent. Adilah also faced a separate charge of aggravated assault for allegedly assaulting Detective Constable Hyra Alvarez, a female police officer, during her duties.

Delcia Abdullah
Delcia Abdullah, Charged for Obstruction
“They police had come to our house and broke down our doors to get to our cameras but we went to the news and told them that the camera wasn’t working. And I think because we went to the news. When we came home the evening, they came and they arrested us, so we were thinking it’s because we went to the media because we felt that we were being unjustly treated because I had told them the camera wasn’t working. It’s not like I didn’t tell them. I think they came but they were under the influence of alcohol because when I was talking to them, I could smell the alcohol to mi property.”
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