HomeLatest NewsRACHEL Project Rolled Out in 11 Rural Schools

RACHEL Project Rolled Out in 11 Rural Schools

RACHEL Project Rolled Out in 11 Rural Schools

From the Belize Central Prison to primary schools across Belize District, the RACHEL Project, through the Rotary Club of Belize, is impacting the way children and adults learn. After successfully executing the project within the prison walls, with the help of the Ministry of Education, the Rotary Club of Belize identified eleven rural schools to roll out the program. Those schools underwent a series of training courses on how to effectively utilize RACHEL to achieve the best results. Today, all eleven schools received RACHEL devices and a host of other equipment to improve the learning experience in their classrooms. News Five’s Paul Lopez was at the launch event today. He filed the following report.


Paul Lopez, Reporting

Eleven primary schools from Belize District have received the necessary training and equipment to enhance basic education and literacy in their institutions. RACHEL stands for Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning. The Rotary Club of Belize first launched the RACHEL Project at the Kolbe Foundation.


Katherine Meighan

                         Katherine Meighan

Katherine Meighan, President, Rotary Club of Belize

“Under the Rachel Project it is tech oriented of course, so what we have is complementary tech. First and foremost they will get a RACHEL device and that device is loaded with applications to help them with literature, with making sure the kids understand and have the tools for reading for phoenix, etc. and also fun stuff, it could be sewing, crafting, building a robot as another example and then alongside that RACHEL device we also have Chrome books and headsets to complement the Chrome books so that as the kids are utilizing the Chrome books they can listen and focus in. We also have a TV and sound bar as well so that the RACHEL programs can be projected into the classroom as well.”


As the name suggests, RACHEL devices connect to a network of lessons remotely. This serves as a game changer for educational institutions in rural communities with limited internet access. Each school has received the relevant training and is preparing to implement RACHEL devices as part of their curriculums.


Anne Pook

                              Anne Pook

Anne Pook, Teacher, Belize Rural Center

“The first thing I did was explain what we learned at the workshop to the different teachers and students. I took them in and explained the different module on the RACHEL. Also for my students you know that students learnt differently and some are motivated and laid back. This particular student who is not motivated to write and pay attention but when I took them in I said we are going to do a little research. He was the first one to take hold of the laptop and he wanted to be the boss in the group. After that everyday these students would ask, miss are we going to use the laptops tomorrow? At the end of everyday they want to use the laptop. They look forward to using it. Our school we are very appreciative of the RACHEL and the laptop, the kind donation you all gave us because our students are motivated.”


According to Anne Pook, her students are more motivated to learn reading and writing. With the success of the RACHEL Project inside the Belize Central Prison, the Rotary Club of Belize continued its partnership with the Rotary Club of Port Moody, Canada.




Brian Wormald

                       Brian Wormald

Brian Wormald, Port Moody Rotarian

“With the wonderful work we have done in the prison let us get into the schools and before we went back to Port Moody we had a meeting with the Ministry for Education and Technology. We needed to get them on board we needed them to see the power that was in their grasp. They were only too happy to get on board. All we asked is that they nominate the schools that get picked. We figured we would have enough connections to get funding for ten schools. So before we went back we tasked the Ministry for Education to come up with those ten schools. WE had no idea of the priorities they did. They came up with that list and we worked on that.”


Katherin Meighan

“With these devices they are able to offer many different complementary tools outside of what they already have. Because in most cases they had a teachers desk that would have access to the internet. Now it is much broader and wider reaching for these kids in the classroom themselves.”




Today, all eleven institutions were able to walk out the door with their devices, ready to implement in summer programs and the new school year. There were also donations of children’s storybooks and equipment for the National Fire Service. The goal is to introduce the RACHEL Project to every school across the country.


Brian Wormald

“As a lofty goal to roll the RACHEL Project out to every school in the country. It is a very lofty goal and I for one plan to be a part of the project as long as I can be, as long as I am alive and as long as there are fabulous people in Belize welcoming us so much.”



Reporting for News Five, I am Paul Lopez.

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