Police who Shot at Emil Rivers to be Charged with Dangers Harm
The police officer who shot escaped detainee Emil Rivers will be charged with dangerous harm, according to Commissioner of Police Chester Williams. In late January, Officer Sheldon Arzu fired two shots at Rivers, who was armed with a knife, while trying to bring him back into custody. Arzu was suspended during the investigation. Today, Williams gave an update on the case.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“ Yes, he is on interdiction. Not interdiction, he was on suspension, pending the outcome of the investigation. We have gotten the directive from the DPP, I think today is Friday, on Wednesday, to proceed with charge of dangerous harm. Yes, today he’ll be charged for dangerous harm and should be appearing before the court this afternoon”
“What about the young man? He was in hospital and my understanding is that under police guard so charges were expected against him?”
Chester Williams
“He was to be charged in respect to the matter against Inspector Rosado. So that is still going to proceed.”
“Will you recommend that he be dismissed? I forget the procedures,”
Chester Williams
“The matter is before it’s going to be before the courts and then before the tribunal that will also institute our own tribunal and I will leave it for them to determine that.”
“You’ve spoken about that incident, how would you have addressed it?”
Chester Williams
“Like I said before, I have my opinion, but I am not going to be guided by my opinion. I’ll be guided by the opinion. Directive on the DPP, and what the tribunal is going to do.”
“But in the other case of the officer who shot the dog of the governor-general, you did not go by the bidding of the tribunal. You decided, in consonance perhaps with the governor general’s husband, that man has to be fired.”
Chester Williams
“In that case, you’re wrong. I did wait for the tribunal to be completed. And after the tribunal was completed I reviewed the evidence and then I did what I, what the law authorised me to do. I am not saying that in the case of Arzu, that is not going to happen. I will wait to see what the adjudicator does, and based on that, then I see how we go from there.”
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