Police Pursuing Individual Who Knocked Down Lord Rhaburn
Commissioner of Police Chester Williams has joined the call of Belizeans demanding that the individual who injured Gerald Rhaburn, popularly known as Lord Rhaburn, in a hit and run incident, come forward. As we reported, the eighty-eight-year-old was exiting a taxi on Thursday night on Coney Drive when a vehicle passed by hitting the taxi door and Rhaburn. He was treated for his injuries and later released from the hospital. But are police refusing to review every available surveillance camera in the area. Rhaburn’s family accuses the department of such. ComPol Williams denied the accusation.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“That is not true. I know that I have received a complaint in that respect, and I had checked with Mr. Romero, who is the officer commanding Eastern Division, and he have assured me that they have checked the routes. They have found some footages, but the footages are not clear enough for the police to be able to identify exactly who the person or persons were in that vehicle that was involved in the hitting of Mr. Lord Rhaburn. The person who have the heart to knock down an elderly citizen is a heartless person. At the very least they ought to have stopped and see if the senior citizen was okay and have him referred to the hospital and take responsibility. You know, but when we have people who were just knocked down the elderly man or elderly woman and just drive off, then that is not a human being no more. So I would hope that the guilt is going to play on their conscience and they got to come forward and say you know what? I did it and I’m sorry. And then we can move on from there.”
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