Police Officer Sent Home for Shooting GG’s Dog
An officer stationed at the Governor General’s residence has been fired from the Belize Police Department after shooting and killing the GG’s small but feisty dog. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams explained that a tribunal reviewed the case and recommended the officer’s dismissal. But this raises a question: why don’t other officers face the same consequences when they shoot and kill pets during operations? Here’s what ComPol Williams had to say about it.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“The matter went before a tribunal, the tribunal found him guilty, dismissal was recommended and I upheld the decision of the adjudicator. I believe that, and I am sure that the public on a whole is going to agree that if you have a policeman deliberately follows a dog and shoots and kills a dog, something’s wrong with you.”
“Hadn’t there been diary entries about this dog being a fierce little dog and he tended to give the officers who served duty there, tended to give them trouble.
Chester Williams
“Even if that were the case, at the particular moment when the dog was shot, that was not the case.”
“Sir, but did you pay special attention to this case because it’s the head of state and we know that when puppies were killed or the dog was shot, Nipsey was shot, not killed, and they shot one on Pickstock Street. Those officers aren’t dismissed, sir.”
Chester Williams
“Again, you have to look at every situation based on the facts. The circumstances under which they occurred, and all the cases that you mentioned just now the circumstances are different.”
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