HomeCrimePolice Observe Increase in Gang Activity  

Police Observe Increase in Gang Activity  

Police Observe Increase in Gang Activity  

Gang activity has surged since the death of Brandon Baptist in late January. Baptist, a known gang member, was killed during a football match at Marion Jones Stadium. On February eighteenth, Akeem Smith was targeted by gunmen while returning from a fishing trip but managed to escape serious injury by jumping into the water. The next day, Leon Gray and Emmett Baptist were shot at near Newtown Barracks. Gray was hit but has since been treated and released from K.H.M.H. Police have linked both incidents to gang activity. Baptist’s death was ruled self-defense, prompting his mother to demand justice for her son. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams discussed the police’s strategy to address the situation today.


Chester Williams

                     Chester Williams

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police

“Yes, we do have have uptick in gang activity and over the past two weeks following the death of Brandon Baptist we we have seen that the threat level in Belize City has increased and we have also deployed additional police officers on the grounds and we’re conducting daily operations in the Martins here and then we saw with last weekend where came into the free when it was alleged that they had, they were responsible for the shooting at Akeem Smith, that have now stretched our operations to the north side. Again, we don’t want to leave any area open for gangs to be able to execute the intended acts. And so we’re doing as best as we can to contain the gang violence for now.  I empathize with the mother and I could just imagine what she’s going through as a mother. I can’t say nothing bad about her. She has always been respectful to me. Brandon Baptist  was, I wouldn’t say a friend, but a very close ally. He works extremely closely with us. When we have issues in the BLC era, he was one of the go to person that we could have go to, and he would always work with us. And I was, I am extremely grateful for the support that he had given to the police during his time. I wish it was not a matter of self defense, indeed. I, Jules knows this. Him and I spoke about this. But, if the DPP, in her wisdom, and I cannot I don’t argue with what the DPP is saying because as a liar, I see myself too that there is a very strong element of self-defense. In the with the presence of that  there’s little to nothing that we will be able to do. I just have to continue to pray for her and hope that she gets the help and support that she need to overcome the pain associated with her loss and I know yes, I’ve not gone to see her and that’s because I don’t, I’m at a loss of words to tell her. I am giving her time to grieve, and when I think it’s an appropriate time, then I’ll go and see her and speak to her.”



“Can you explain why, as a matter of law though, with this rivalry among these different groups, doesn’t that point to a general motive that you have that rivalry if I see you and you try to attack me, then the intent of murder to kill them would be there?”


Chester Williams

“The person who actually is a gunman is not a gang member. That’s the truth. So he’s not a person who is in the gang world. He happened to have been there, yes. But he’s not a gang member, no.”


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