Police Find Charred Remains of Presumed Drug Plane
Police have confirmed that a suspected drug plane recently landed in southern Belize. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams shared that on Sunday, authorities were alerted about a suspicious aircraft leaving South America and heading towards Belize. The Joint Intelligence and Operations Center kept a close watch on the plane’s movements. Earlier today, Williams provided more details about the discovery of the illegal aircraft.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“Last night sometime after eleven p.m. an illicit truck was declared leaving South America, coming our way. As we normally would do in these instances, we would call the true JIOC [Joint Intelligence and Operations Center] in ensuring that we deploy personnels in different areas that we suspect the plane may likely go on land. We monitor the track until it enters our airspace, sometime after one, two this morning, and it disappeared about two miles away from the Belize Guatemalan border in the south. Our counterparts have indicated to us that the plane landed in Belizean territory near the border with Guatemala in some extremely rugged terrain. And so, the BDF did a flyover with the aircraft, and we also sent in a jet team comprising of police and BDF to the location. And a few minutes ago, they were able to locate the plane in Belizean territory just as was indicated to us near the Guatemalan border. So it’s a small, it’s a jet, and it has been destroyed by fire.”
“So no cargo whatsoever?”
Chester Williams
“No cargo was found on the plane, no.”
“What about a makeshift airstrip, anything like that?”
Chester Williams
“Yes an airstrip is there that the plane landed on. From all indications from the team on the ground is that the plane landed well, was not damaged during landing. But after landing it was pilled on the side and burnt.”
“Roughly what time would you say it landed?’
Chester Williams
“It landed this morning sometime between three and four.”
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