PM Briceño on Survey Findings and Corruption
In a recent survey by Viking Strategies, the electorate’s views on various pressing issues were brought to light, including the popularity of political parties, individual politicians, and the perceived corruption within the current administration. Briceño commented that corruption is largely a matter of perception and emphasized that restoring the electorate’s full confidence will be a gradual process. He also highlighted a positive takeaway from the survey: over half of the respondents believe that the government is steering the country in the right direction.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“I have taken a look, but I’ve not had a chance to really sit down and to study but things that jump out on you overall that people are happy with the government and that they believe that we’ve been doing a pretty good job but like in everything there’s always more to be done. The issue of corruption, the numbers have gone down somewhat but people are still concerned about corruption and rightly so because it’s just people’s perceptions, in many instances, it’s perception, and it will take some time to be able to win back the people’s full confidence and for them to – for corruption not to be in the top of their minds, because they recognize that the country is going in the right direction for the first time since these polls are being conducted. The majority, more than 50 percent believe that we’re going in the right direction, but yes, crime is an issue. We know that. Corruption is always a perception there, and it will take time for us to be able to address those issues.”
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