PM Briceno is Optimistic About CFE Meeting
As we’ve reported, Prime Minister John Briceño is headed to Cancun, Mexico on Saturday, following an official funeral for former Toledo East Area Representative Mike Espat. The purpose of the weekend visit is to meet with Mexican officials in an effort to resolve the energy crisis that has gripped the country over the past two weeks. Accompany him for the meeting are officials from Belize Electricity Limited. When we spoke with PM Briceño earlier today, he shared his optimism that CFE will be able to provide Belize with at least sixty megawatts of power.
Isani Cayetano
“PM, you’re heading to Mexico once again this weekend to meet with CFE representatives regarding our current energy crisis. Is there any optimism on your end that you will be able to return with something favorable for us as consumers?”

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“I’m very optimistic and excited about what can be accomplished. I think, the most important thing is that I believe at this point, I spoke with CEO Mencias yesterday. We managed to get the Mile Eight, on the Western Highway, generator going. Once that is working well we’ll be able to barely hold on but we’ll be able to do well with our energy needs, we’ll be able to meet them and when we get the San Pedro twenty-one megawatts generator going. That will also ensure that we can be self-sufficient. But let us not forget that when we connect to CFE there are certain hours of the day, like around two or three o’clock in the morning, we can get energy at two cents and three cents per kilowatt. So the plan is that we are going ask CFE if they could increase the maximum that they can sell to Belize. Presently, it’s at fifty-five megawatts and we’re hoping that we can get that at least to sixty, because when they can give us the sixty because it’s cheaper, we buy from them and then when it’s more expensive we can switch over. So it’s a matter of being that balancing act to ensure that we could get the best possible rates for our consumers.”
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