PG Mayor Responds to BTIA Over Chocolate Fest Cancelation
On Monday night, the Belize Tourism Industry Association Toledo Chapter announced the cancellation of the 2025 Chocolate Festival. According to a BTIA release, Mayor Carlos Galvez and the Punta Gorda Town Council have undermined the event, despite efforts to engage in dialogue. News Five has learned that the association is upset about a Christopher Martin concert being promoted by the council, using the name Chocolate Fest, for the same weekend. BTIA Toledo fears that the event will divert attention and revenue from the actual Chocolate Festival. Today, we spoke with Mayor Galvez to address BTIA’s concerns and asked about his connection with CG Promotions, one of the companies behind the Christopher Martin concert.
On the Phone: Carlos Galvez, Mayor, Punta Gorda
“Let me say this, it is sad. It is unfortunate. I believe very respectfully that it was done immaturely. There must be some room for dialogue. There is in no way Punta Gorda Town Council or the office of the mayor, my colleague, the councilors would ever want to undermine, sabotage, such an event that brings a lot of attraction, revenue in every aspect of tourism to promote the Toledo District. What happened is that we found out that there is a block or a spot that is left empty in terms of the weekend events for the Chocolate Festival. In that I say that the wine and chocolate is on Friday night. During that period we expect everyday to attend. The concert that the town council plan, the Christopher Martin concert that is the following day, on Saturday. In no way we believe that would undermined the wine and chocolate. It complements the wine and chocolate and the wine and chocolate also compliments the Christopher Martin show.”
Paul Lopez
“I see that on the flier it speaks to a CG Promotions. Are you behind the CG promotions? The inference I draw is that it is a Carlos Galvez Promotions. Are you behind that?”
On the Phone: Carlos Galvez
“That promotion exists from long years, from 2003 that promotion exist. But this is nothing personal. This is for the public.”
Paul Lopez
“The criticism is also that you personally, you are winning, because the CG Promotions, the Carlos Galvez Promotions is pushing this concert organized by the council you lead.”
On the Phone: Carlos Galvez
“I find that to be, in now way shape and form there is a winning for Carlos Galvez, I will rule that our point blank.”
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