Patrick Faber Chides Briceño Administration’s Reliance on IMF Report
Patrick Faber, the U.D.P.’s Area Representative for Collet, chided the prime minister for relying heavily on the I.M.F.’s recent report on Belize’s economic performance. During his budget presentation, Prime Minister John Briceño spent a great deal of time praising his administration’s economic performance based on the I.M.F.’s report and projections. Well, Faber argued that the I.M.F.’s report does not validate the Briceño administration’s policies towards long-term growth and social equity.

Patrick Faber
Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
“While the prime minister attempted skillfully to present a narrative, and I have to say attempted, because everybody knows that teleprompter and speech writer does not help the prime minister, the presentation is always still very miserable. I will admit that this time it got a little bit better. So I am suggesting he practice every chance in this house, bring the teleprompter more regularly so when the elections come around he will do a damn good concession speech when his party goes home. He attempted to skillfully present a narrative with optimism. He cited the IMF’s recent review and he lauded the economic achievements under his administration. It is imperative that we dissect these accomplishments with a critical eye and broader perspective. He placed significant emphasis on the IMF’s pronouncements, suggesting that it is an independent assessment of the administration’s accomplishments. Yet, it is essential to underscore that reliance on the IMF evaluation, especially when it is aligned with the government’s narrative, does not validate the effectiveness of these policies in fostering long-term sustainable growth and social equity for the Belizean people.”
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